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Bulb-Planting Time

Fall planting is a great time to get those spring thoughts flowing.

Read on for your best bets for bulb-tastic blooms!

Planting Bulbs at Busy Bee Garden Center

Key to Happy Planting

A bulb auger for the drill. Makes quick work especially in tough soil.

As a general rule of thumb - Most bulbs need to be planted about 2-3 times the depth of the bulb itself. So if your bulb is about two inches tall it needs to be 4-6 inches deep.

Avoid Bone or Blood Meal

I don't love putting bone or blood meal in when I plant bulbs because the wild life loves to unplant them for me. Not helpful. :)

I like to toss a handful of compost in before I cover them back up.

The bone and blood meal seems to attract the wildlife so I skip that step but if the raccoons, skunks and crazy squirrels leave yours alone, the extra fertilizer can be helpful especially if you have poor soil.

No Friends in Wet Places

Bulbs don't like to live in wet places. Remember that when selecting a site for them.

Pair with the Late Bloomers

I love planting around other flowers that are late to come up in the spring. That way the bulbs can show off and then get covered up by the plant after the bulb has started to go dormant. Great companions include hibiscus, asclepias, ironweed, and many other late bloomers.

The Time is Now

We encourage you to get those bulbs planted soon before the soil is frozen!

Check out our bulb selection of Allium, Daffodils, Jonquilla, and Tulips!


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