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What is the Planting Season?

Updated: 2 days ago

Landscaping and flowers by The Hive

To me, anytime the ground is not frozen is planting season.

Crazy concept, I know, but let's take a deeper look into the world of plants.

Back in the day, before we were able to grow things in pots, there weren't as many choices and spring and fall were the best times to plant. Long ago most plants were only available as pieces of plants, bare root or seeds. Although we've greatly progressed since that time with the invention of growing media (potting mixes that do not have real soil in them) and plastic containers - some of our thoughts are still stuck in that old mindset.

We've heard so many of these old adages.

  • Annuals can only be planted in the spring.

  • I have to plant before June.

  • Plants don't grow in the summer.

  • I have to water them too much.

  • If it dies I cannot plant another one.

I have to ask -

Do our plants in our greenhouses not grow all season long?

Do your plants in your garden or yard not grow all season long?

Why limit ourselves when we already have a short growing season?

There are so many beautiful annuals and perennials that really don’t start to show off until the warm summer months.

 For the first time in my life, our strange winter weather allowed us the opportunity to plant 5 trees in January. They all came back. 

At Busy Bee we installed some very extensive landscaping in December and guess what? It came back! 

Do we plant and grow all season?


Will I plant an annual that may only live for a short time before the frost. Of course!  

Because I love flowers, I love what flowers provide for our pollinators late in the season. 

Plant them in a pot that you can bring in during the cold nights or throw a sheet over them keeping the frost off. With only a little effort and cooperating weather, we usually have annuals still growing and blooming into November. 

Is it harder on ourselves to plant in the heat of summer/early fall?

Absolutely. But as I always say, the plants are much happier being planted in the ground instead of being stuck in their pots.

Pots are just a temporary way to keep a plant happy but they really thrive once they get planted in an area that allows them to have space to grow happily. 

Don't bee afraid to have a little fun planting as our season turns from hot to cool. 

Stop in to see all the great annuals and perennials we have for you this fall.

So if you drive by in November and see us planting landscaping, you know that we're not crazy!


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